

1960 Cliff Lake Road, #129-219,

Eagan, MN USA


(952) 210-3628

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Audience Reaction to our Concerts:


Comments About Speaking in Tongues Concerts:

"It so harmonious even though the instruments are very diverse. I love it."

"This wasn't just a concert. It was an experience! A whole world in one evening."

"Speaking in Tongues is connected with a fundamental universal force that is within all peoples of the world."

"Mucho muy bonito!"

"If this is where we are going in the 21st century, I want to be along for the ride."

"Wow! (I didn't know pipa was a rock n' roll instrument!)"

"Best of fortune - a dream band."

"I bought the whole seat, but only needed the edge."

"Fantastico los mejones oracias."



Comments About the Braided Candle Project:

"First off, thank you for such a wonderful week! I had four friends come to the concert and they said it was one of the best and most fun they've been to at Carleton!"

"Amazing, Awesome! Performance was great and inspiring. What an opportunity to see such talented musicians."

"Fabulous. We are fortunate to have the opportunity to hear such world class musicians." 


Comments About "Gao Hong on the Highway":

"The best concert I've ever seen in my life"

"Amazing music, amazing video and lighting. It made the best show ever!!!"

"This is the perfect combination of traditional Chinese music with new creation. It's not just fun, it's also so touching. It was the best and most perfect concert!"

"Your show was delightful!  You say 'crazy'.  I say 'adorable'!"

"How fun your show was! Thank you for your risk taking and the time you spent creating it. Humor is medicine for the soul."

"I haven't laughed so hard in a long time..."

"I laughed so hard, I cried..."

"We truly enjoyed the concert! Thank you for such a wonderful performance!"

"More please..."


Comments About Spirit of Nature Concerts:

"This was one of the best concerts I've attended in my life."

"An amazing event. I was impressed beyond belief."

"Spectacular performances, surely the finest musicians to
visit WSU in years."

"Amazing virtuosity. Bring them back again!!"

"I have never been to a Chinese concert before and this
just blew me away."

"Amazing musicians! Obviously world class..."

" Superb performances! Full of wonderful contrast. Dazzling

" The most talented Chinese performers I have ever seen."

" Every moment of this concert was superb!"




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